Contact Us
The Sir Charles Tupper Medical Building is the central building of Dalhousie University's Medical School. The Brain Repair Center laboratories are connected to the Tupper Building, and we collaborate with these scientists and clinicians to study brain illness and injury.
Dalhousie University

Our BGU lab is perfectly located in Soroka University Medical Center. Soroka is affiliated with Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and is the primary teaching hospital for all programs in BGU’s Faculty of Health Sciences
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

Address: Tupper Medical Building, Room 12-H, 5850 College Street, PO Box 15000, Halifax
Email and Number:
Alon Friedman, PI: alon.friedman@dal.ca, 902-494-3725
Kay Murphy, Lab Manager: kmmurphy@dal.ca,
Address: The Zelman Center for Neuroscience, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva, 84105, Israel
Email and Number:
Alon Friedman, PI: alonf@bgu.ac.il
Ofer Prager, Research Associate: pragero@post.bgu.ac.il, +972 528541788